скалы Lóndrangar

Исландия  (Island):  скалы   Lóndrangar

64.7237329° N ,23.8545111° W


The Londrangar are a pair of rock pinnacles in Iceland. They are volcanic plugs of basalt, that have been hewn out from softer surrounding rock by erosion. At 75 and 61 m tall, they are a singular sight, rising above and outside the ocean front due east across from Malarrif and some 10 km from Hellnar, on the southern coast of Sn?fellsnes peninsula. History has it that the taller of the cliffs was ascended in 1735, while the smaller one was not climbed until 1938.

The Londrangar are remnants from a bigger crater which has mostly eroded away. It is reckoned that the rock in the slopes of nearby Sval?ufa is an isolated part of the original rim around the crater itself, with the rest eroded away by the sea. There are many bird nest s in the steep slopes of the twin towers and birds which can be observed are black-legged kittiwake, common murre, puffin and northern fulmar.

Исландия  (Island):  скалы   Lóndrangar
Исландия  (Island):  скалы   Lóndrangar

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