В Боргарнесе, согласно исландским преданиям, в IX или в Х веке родился скальд и герой Эгиль Скаллагримссон, жизнь которого описана в средневековой саге «Сага об Эгиле». В память о нём в городе стоит памятник работы скульптора Асмундура Свейнссона.
The Settlement Centre – a museum featuring twin themes: the settlement of Iceland; and an Egils saga exhibition. It was opened by actor and playwright Kjartan Ragnarsson and his wife in 2006.[5]
Museum Borgarfjor?ur – A unique exhibition centered on the life and surroundings of children in Iceland in the 20th century. The photographs are presented in an unusual way, mounted on walls in which cabinets behind some photographs contain objects and further information. Visitors can move around the walls and discover how children lived, laughed and worked over the past 100 years.[6]
Bjossarolo Park – a children's play park created by carpenter and environmental pioneer Bjorn Hjortur Gu?mundsson, who built all the play equipment himself from salvaged discarded materials, teaching children the value of recycling, frugality and inventiveness.[5]